由(you)Son Yeong-ho導演執導的《兩面神:欲望(wang)的兩張臉》,自(zi)2014年上映(ying)以來獲得不(bu)錯的口碑,是由(you)吳仁(ren)惠,李(li)恩美等主演的一(yi)部不(bu)錯的韓語理論片。
The dirty desire in her is unveiling! Department of Dance student Da-hee (Oh In-hye) is a born solo who has never had a boyfriend before. However, she has nightmares every night. She dreams about violent sex every night. What she would never ever imagine even in her dreams is bothering her in reality and she cannot share this with anyone. In addition, the new performance projec...(本劇情(qing)(qing)(qing)介紹由光棍影院喜歡看倫理,情(qing)(qing)(qing),愛情(qing)(qing)(qing),懸疑,驚悚(song),情(qing)(qing)(qing)色,理論(lun)視頻的小(xiao)編天(tian)天(tian)編輯,更多(duo)相關信息可移(yi)步(bu)至或等(deng)平臺了解)