由雷納塔·皮(pi)涅羅導演(yan)執導的(de)《車(che)王》,自2021年上映以來獲(huo)得(de)不錯的(de)口碑(bei),是(shi)由未知名演(yan)員(yuan)等主演(yan)的(de)一部(bu)不錯的(de)國語對白 中文(wen)字幕(mu)科幻(huan)片。
Uno has a fantastic gift: he can talk and listen to cars since he was a child. After a new law prohibiting the use of aged cars puts his father's taxi company in danger, he takes a decision to recover an old family car into a “new one”, and its name is King Car – a car that speaks, listen, and even fall in love. A car that has plans for everyone.(本劇情介紹(shao)由光棍影(ying)院喜歡看科幻視頻的小編天天編輯,更多相關信息可移步至或等平臺了解)