由未知名(ming)導(dao)演(yan)執導(dao)的《海(hai)上(shang)教堂(tang)2:土地之(zhi)子》,自2022年(nian)上(shang)映以來獲(huo)得不錯(cuo)的口碑(bei),是(shi)由米歇(xie)爾·珍娜 , 大衛(wei)·索蘭(lan)斯 , 榮·岡(gang)薩(sa)雷斯 , 埃(ai)萊娜·里維(wei)拉(la) , 魯(lu)道(dao)夫 桑丘 , Natalia Sánchez , Maria Rodríguez Soto等主演(yan)的一部不錯(cuo)的西班(ban)牙語歐美劇。
Hugo Llor, a 12-year-old boy who spends most of his time on the streets. His day is also spent in the shipyards and his dream is to become a shipbuilding craftsman, although his fate is uncertain. Hugo's life is not easy, he is a very lonely boy and his mother is forced to move away from him, but he has the support and protection of a respected old man: Arnau Estanyol.(本劇情介紹(shao)由光棍影院(yuan)喜歡看歐美視頻(pin)的小編天天編輯(ji),更多相關信息可移步至或等平臺了(le)解)