由史蒂夫·班德萊克(ke)導演執(zhi)導的(de)《去死吧》,自2013年(nian)上映以來獲得不錯的(de)口碑,是由勞拉·艾克(ke)曼,德里(li)克(ke)·格(ge)利(li)菲斯,布萊克(ke)·哈里(li)森,Ben Heathcote,馬修(xiu)·豪勒等主演的(de)一部不錯的(de)英(ying)語歐(ou)美劇。
Scott’s life is in freefall: his girlfriend has just left him, he’s dropped out of studying medicine and he’s desperate for cash to help save his brother. Out of the blue his terminally ill neighbour comes to him for a favour – to help him commit suicide. Scott reluctantly agrees, and in the process, he and his two friends decide to set up their own illicit assisted-suicide bus...(本劇情介(jie)紹由光棍影院喜(xi)歡(huan)看(kan)歐美(mei)視頻(pin)的小(xiao)編(bian)天天編(bian)輯,更多相關信息(xi)可移步至或(huo)等平臺了解)