由丹尼斯·塔拉索(suo)夫導(dao)演(yan)執(zhi)導(dao)的《診斷:異議》,自2023年(nian)上映(ying)以(yi)來獲得(de)不錯(cuo)的口碑,是由Kostiantyn,Temliak,Irma,Vitovska,Serhii,Kalantai等主演(yan)的一部(bu)不錯(cuo)的國語對白 中文字(zi)幕劇情片。
入圍華沙電影節前兩部競賽。 The film takes the viewer back to the previous century. Its topic, raised for the first time in feature films, opens one of the most shameful and terrifying pages in the history of the USSR: the so-called "punitive psychiatry" used by the KGB in the fight against political and religious dissidents. The film's protagonist is a young man who wants to feel free in hi...(本(ben)劇情介紹(shao)由光棍影院喜歡看(kan)劇情視頻的(de)小編(bian)天天編(bian)輯,更多(duo)相關(guan)信息可移步至或等平(ping)臺了解)