由Richard Brooks導(dao)演(yan)執導(dao)的《截稿》,自1952年上映(ying)以來獲得不錯的口碑,是由亨弗萊·鮑嘉,金·亨特(te),埃德·貝格利,埃塞爾(er)(er)·巴里摩爾(er)(er),沃倫·斯蒂文斯,保羅(luo)·斯圖爾(er)(er)特(te)等(deng)主演(yan)的一部(bu)不錯的英語劇情片。
Ed Hutcheson, tough editor of the New York 'Day', finds that the late owner's heirs are selling the crusading paper to a strictly commercial rival. At first he sees impending unemployment as an opportunity to win back his estranged wife Nora. But when a reporter, pursuing a lead on racketeer Rienzi, is badly beaten, Hutcheson is stung into a full fledged crusade against the gan...(本劇情介紹由光棍影院喜歡看劇情視頻的小編(bian)天天編(bian)輯,更多(duo)相(xiang)關信息(xi)可(ke)移步至(zhi)或等平(ping)臺了解)