由H.P. Mendoza導演(yan)(yan)執導的(de)《飛行的(de)秘密》,自2023年(nian)上映以(yi)來(lai)獲得不錯的(de)口碑,是由瑪姬(ji)·格(ge)蕾斯(si),露西·德(de)維(wei)托,森德(de)希·拉瑪莫(mo)西等主演(yan)(yan)的(de)一部(bu)不錯的(de)英語劇(ju)情片。
After the sudden and tragic loss of his wife, Ben (Grant Rosenmeyer) turns to a mysterious self-help book that will train him to learn how to fly. Or at least he hopes, as he turns his life upside down under the advisement of an eccentric spiritual guide (Paul Raci) who may very well be a con artist. Fending off his worried sister and an ambitious detective who is convinced he ...(本劇(ju)情(qing)介紹(shao)由光棍影(ying)院喜歡看(kan)劇(ju)情(qing)視(shi)頻的小編天天編輯(ji),更(geng)多(duo)相關信(xin)息可移步至或等平臺了解)